Team Culture – The Primary Driver of Leadership Behaviour?

Businesses typically spend around 75% of their management energy focusing on their core operations. On ‘doing what they do’.

A further 20% of their energy is typically spread between their human resources, financial management, marketing, customer service and general administration functions.

This leaves 5% for some planning and strategizing.

So where does team culture come in?

The amount of energy spent on deliberately designing and influencing their culture is, more often than not, a big fat zero – which is where we, as Business Advisors, come in.

You can’t ‘not have’ a culture. If it is not a culture by design, then it will become one by default.

A business’s culture is palpable. When we walk into any organisation, we perceive its culture almost immediately.

Once a business decides to focus on culture as the primary driver of its leadership behaviour, there is an ultimate shift in performance across the organisation which can be extraordinary.

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